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Public Building Commission Minutes 01/20/2010 Informal Meeting
South Windsor Public Building Commission
Minutes - Informal Meeting – January 20, 2010

Present:  Chairman Fitts,  Members: Neary, and O’Connell.

Also present:  Dennis Sheridan, Architect Anwar Hossain, Carol Flagg, and “substitute” Town Council Liaison Hale.

Chairman Fitts called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm in the Seniors Conference Room in the South Windsor Community Center.  

Dennis Sheridan provided the group with background information regarding building use and competition for space, discussion of tours of regional Seniors’ facilities like Enfield and Glastonbury, and a square footage proposal showing types of spaces for about a 10,000 square foot (not including lavatories, corridors, or janitor space) building expansion.  There were discussions of use of the patio area, possible sources of funding, possible solicitation in town for funding furnishings for the several types of rooms, the possible competition or collaboration with someone like LA Fitness regarding the Fitness Room or local eateries regarding the café idea.  Adequate parking on the site is a major concern.  Possible staffing increases for some of the additions were acknowledged, but not quantified.

Bill Aman was suggested as an early contact regarding funding and timing of possible grants.  Chairman Fitts will make a contact there.  Block grants and the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving were also suggested as possible sources.

There needs to be a contract with the architect, and he will provide the PBC with a proposal for discussion with the Town Manager and Town Attorney.  The Town Council did appropriate some funds to support architectural activities.  Architect Hossain asked for a copy of the plans for the existing building, and Dennis Sheridan agreed to make arrangements for those which the architect will likely copy into his CAD and then return.

Architect Hossain suggested a formal Kick-off Meeting early next month after some of the items above have been explored or completed.  Tuesday, February 9 at 10 am was suggested.

Special Note -  If budget pressures and/or student population changes and/or future activities of the Board of Education regarding school building renovations and reconstructions were to result in the closing of a school, a scenario might be that Recreation Offices and programs could leave the Community Center and permit reconfiguration of that building to accommodate expanded Seniors activities.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,
H. E. Fitts, Temporary Secretary